Body contouring surgeries are medical procedures that improve the overall appearance of your body. These operations can be used to reduce the size of a part of your body or to add something to achieve a more balanced appearance. Body contouring operations are performed on patients who have lost weight and are still unhappy with their figure, as well as on people who have never been overweight but want to improve certain parts of their body.
- Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat from the body, which can be performed under local or general anesthesia.
- It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves making small incisions in the skin and removing unwanted fat through them.
- The surgeon creates suction using a syringe-like instrument with a very long needle attached, which removes tissue through a suction action from the surface of your skin without damaging it or cause bleeding. The duration of the operation varies depending on where you have excess fat deposits (hips/thighs/arms) and how much tissue needs to be removed before deciding if another session is necessary afterwards!</ li>
After the procedure:
You should expect some swelling around these areas, but nothing serious, unless something went wrong during surgery – but then again, there’s not much we can do , so don’t worry too much about what might happen!
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes the abdominal area. It can be performed to improve appearance or correct medical problems, such as after pregnancy or weight loss.
- Abdominoplasty (also known as abdominoplasty) is used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. This procedure also helps tighten the muscles in this area of the body, giving it a flatter appearance. It can be performed for aesthetic reasons or to improve its function after pregnancy, weight loss or other causes of excess skin on the stomach area.
- A cosmetic tummy tuck focuses on improving the overall contour and shape of your abdomen without affecting muscle strength. A reconstructive abdominoplasty aims to improve functional capacity following trauma or surgery performed elsewhere on your body (such as a gynecological procedure).
Body Lift
Bodylift is an operation to remove excess skin and fat from the body after significant weight loss or other causes of excess skin.
The bodylift can be practiced on both men and women. The procedure involves removing excess skin in the lower abdomen area (panniculectomy), which involves tightening the abdominal muscles by cutting them in half vertically above each hip bone (iliac crest). and tightening them with sutures placed in holes drilled in the bones under the pubis on each side, above where they meet at the midline between the waist folds of the legs; this helps reduce the excess fabric hanging around the waist which was present before weight loss but which no longer fulfills its role: holding the clothes in place!
This procedure also includes the removal of fat deposits under the chest area, near the breast tissue, if necessary due to age-related loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. . ; otherwise, this part remains intact during the operation so as not to disturb the natural shape/size of the breasts achieved through exercise programs or hormonal therapy methods such as implants, etc.
Arm lift
An arm lift is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin from the upper arms. The goal of an arm lift is to improve the shape and contour of your arms by removing excess fat, tissue and skin.
The arm lift can be performed as part of a body lift or as an independent procedure. An experienced plastic surgeon will determine which technique is best for you based on your needs and preferences.
Thigh lift
A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper thighs. The procedure can be performed on both men and women, but it is most often performed on women who have lost weight due to pregnancy or other health problems.
The actual procedure lasts between two and four hours, depending on the amount of excess skin to be removed. During this time, your surgeon will make incisions at different points on the inner side of your thighs: one near each knee joint, one near the groin area (for women), one along the side of each leg, just below the junction with the hips (for men). They will then remove any extra tissue they find under these incisions before closing them with sutures or staples, depending on the type of patient they are working with and whether or not they plan to perform liposuction after removing the deposits. of fat inside these newly created pockets from the surgery itself.”
Butt lift
A butt lift is a surgical procedure that tightens and reshapes the buttocks. It is usually performed on patients who have lost a lot of weight as a result of dieting or bariatric surgery, but it can also be performed on patients who have had a baby. Butt lift can also be called “augmentation gluteoplasty”, which means “to increase” (enlarge) and “buttocks” in Latin.
The surgeon makes incisions on either side of the hips, just above where they meet the pelvic bone, at what is called the lateral epicondyle (the bony part of the thigh). He then removes excess fat from these areas using liposuction before tightening the muscles using stitches or staples; Some surgeons use both methods depending on their preference and experience with each technique. Finally, they will give the remaining skin new contours using either scars from previous operations or plastic surgery techniques such as tummy tuck or breast reduction, depending on what you want from this procedure!
Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian butt lift or BBL is an intervention surgical procedure that reshapes the buttocks by removing excess fat and tightening the skin. The intervention can be carried out in a single session or in two stages, depending on your goals and needs.
To achieve an even better result with the Brazilian Butt Lift, some patients may opt to have liposuction of other areas, such as the abdomen or thighs, before undergoing a Brazilian butt lift. Liposuction is also used during surgery to remove fat under the skin without affecting muscle tone or elasticity, helping to prevent sagging over time.
Cure of diastasis
Diastasis recti is a condition that occurs when the connective tissue between two muscles in your abdomen separates. This separation creates a gap in the muscle wall, causing it to bulge outwards and creating an unsightly “hump” for many women.
Symptoms of diastasis recti include:
- A navel that protrudes (umbilicus) when it is not normally there
- A visible bulge in the lower abdomen, which may be tender or painful to the touch.
In conclusion, we can say that the best way to get rid of all these problems is to perform body contouring surgery. It is very important that everyone knows this, because many people suffer from these problems and do not know how to solve them. And if they do nothing, their lives will suffer serious consequences in the future!